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Frequently asked questions

+ How often should you use The Natural Hair Regimen??

Each step has individual instructions guiding our Innovators on when and how to use each step along with a “Fancy’s Hair Tips” card that provides wash day best practices.

+ When should I start to see healthy hair results??

Most of our innovators will say they notice results after the first use, but you should see less breakage, a decrease in scalp itching and flaking, and an increase in moisture after the first 2-4 weeks depending on use.

+ What hair type is the product made for??

The products are made for tighter curly hair types, clients who suffer from hair dryness, need for scalp treatment, and for those looking for salon quality results. The product is geared towards providing the right ingredients that will strengthen and hydrate coily tresses so that you can wear your crown proudly and confidently while becoming your own hair expert.

+ How often should I order or how long will The Natural Hair Regimen last? ?

To maintain healthy hair and length retention you should order at least every 3-6 months depending on use. If you wash weekly, deep condition weekly, and stick to your protein treatments every 6 weeks then you would need to purchase every 3 months. Depending on the state of your hair will depend on how often you need to order.