Investing in Yourself and Cashing Out on Wellness

There is a direct correlation between investing in yourself and making a conscious decision to actively achieve your full potential as an individual. Most of us tend to invest in ourselves last or with what we have remaining after investing time and effort into the people surrounding us. 

If you are anything like me or should I say how I used to be then this blog is for you. 

What does it mean to invest in yourself? 

To even adopt the mindset of investing in yourself you have to believe you are worthy of self improvement. You must believe that after investing time, energy, and resources into your “better outcome” you are worthy and deserving of it. Otherwise you won’t see it through. Investing in yourself provides a great return whether it is tangible or intangible: 

  • It can help you earn more money

  • Build confidence 

  • Overall, help you create a life that’s more satisfying and balanced 

Here are a few ways you can invest in yourself

  1. Set Goals 

Let’s face it, setting goals will help you accomplish more and stay organized along the way. Write your goals down, it helps you clarify what you want. Once you set your goal, focus your attention and energy on it until you achieve it. SMART goals are a great way to format your goals. 

2. Exercise 

One of the best ways to invest in yourself is to do some physical exercise. Daily exercise is linked to having more energy, reduced stress, increased creativity and brain power. You do not need to go to the gym. You find great at home workouts on YouTube and apps. Depending on your personality and where you are in your fitness journey you may need to invest in a physical trainer, I know I did. 

3. Learn a new skill or strengthen an existing skill 

Taking a course is a great way to learn a new skill. is an online training platform that has reasonable and valuable training content that has a vast variety of training courses. Learning by doing is another way to stretch your abilities. For example, if you want to become a better public speaker, you have to take on public speaking opportunities. Toastmasters is an international club where you can improve your communication skills including public speaking. If you’re feeling courageous go for a TEDxTalk. Another great way to learn a new skill is to learn from the greats, and read a book! “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dipenza, “The Power of Broke” by Daymon John, “Get Good with Money” by Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, and “High Performance Habits” by Brenden Burchard are all great book recommendation that have helped me along my journey to self improvement and getting better at some life skills. 

4. Find a business coach or mentor

Your path to investing in yourself doesn’t have to be a solo trip. As an entrepreneur I have invested in business coaches to help guide me in business and to gain a different perspective on what’s working, what’s not working and other valuable insight. Strengthening your network or elevating your social circle through mentorship is an important component to your wellness journey. 

Now last but certainly not least….

5. Give yourself a break

One of the biggest lessons in learning to invest in myself was learning how to give myself a break. The pandemic deserves credit in this incredible lesson. Working hard is great but also incorporate some much needed breaks and rest into your busy schedule. Whether its getting outside for a quick walk, taking a bath, putting your phone on DND, sleeping in later than usual, or binge watching a show on Netflix give yourself a break without feeling guilty for it. Resting your body is essential to self care and gives your the ability to accomplish your goals and be the best version of yourself so you can continue to share your gifts with the world.

Darlene Justiniano